BKF’s Water Resources Team has been on the road across California this Fall, engaging clients and partners at multiple conferences to share and grow our expertise and understanding of key issues and solutions in flood management, water recycling, water infrastructure and stormwater.
Flood Management:
Senior PM Roger Chung, CFM participated in the FMA Annual Conference where multi-benefit flood management projects and nature-based solutions were a top priority. Discussions also focused on the growing challenges that increased rainfall intensities are having on existing flood control infrastructure. BKF’s involvement with FMA will continue to grow both at the State and chapter level into 2025.
Water Recycling:
California WateReuse Symposium
(September 15-17) and WateReuse Summit
LA & OC (October 8)
BKF’s Director of Water Resource Strategy Tom West shared the floor with the largest number of attendees in CA WateReuse conference history! This notable turnout further reinforces the continued need for water recycling solutions and the importance of BKF’s investment in water resource initiatives. A conference focal point was the State’s potable reuse regulations, recently approved by the State Board, which opens the door to a new generation of recycling opportunities. Tom was joined by Jackie Martinez, who participated in discussions about onsite and non-potable solutions and the innovative approaches being used to implement these projects. The WateReuse Summit brought together key water recycling leaders in Los Angeles and Orange Counties to share insights on implementing future recycling projects.
Water Infrastructure:
Metworks Water Infrastructure Talk
(October 17)
Hosted by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the event showcased over $1 billion in upcoming public works projects, reiterating the continued growing demand for engineering and construction in the water industry. BKF connected with several Southern California water districts and utility departments to discuss their upcoming needs and concerns while sharing both innovative and practical solutions with the City of Santa Ana, City of Anaheim, Irvine Ranch Water District, MWD Orange County, and South Coast Water District.
California Stormwater Quality Association
(October 21-23)
BKF attendees joined this year’s showcase stormwater event as part of the record attendance, sending the message that while we’ve come a long way over the last 20 years, much more needs to be done to address the State’s runoff water quality. BKF’s talented team is working hard with other leaders and agencies to find, develop, and reinforce ways of working together collaboratively to tackle the tougher challenges ahead with implementable solutions.
With fresh insights and connections made statewide, Tom West and our Water Resources Team are energized to take on new projects, adding to the transformative infrastructure that BKF proudly delivers. Learn more about our Water Resources and stormwater solutions services.
We’re actively seeking project managers and engineers to join Team BKF and support these initiatives across California and Oregon. Contact us if you’re interested in joining our team!