L Street Bikeway & Streetscape Improvement Project

BKF developed a corridor-wide complete streets concept plan that extends this entire 1.25-mile segment of L Street in Antioch, CA which improves this main roadway corridor leading into the City’s Downtown and Marina Area from State Route 4. The project included multi-modal facilities, roadway widening and traffic signal enhancements to meet the City’s future General Plan needs, pedestrian beacon improvements, pavement rehabilitation, bulb-outs, storm water treatment/low impact developments, ADA enhancements, and landscaping improvements to revitalize the corridor.

In support of the City’s goals BKF assisted the City in securing $17.5M in funding for the L Street Bikeway project. The City initially reached out to BKF to write OBAG III, which would modify L Street, the main gateway into the City from State Route 4, with Complete Street improvements that include bike lanes, pedestrian facilities, traffic signal, and ADA improvements. During the process of writing the OBAG III application, BKF’s Grants Manager was in constant contact with the internal staff at Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) and it was determined that a different grant was better suited for this project. The team pivoted and the City ended up being awarded $17.5M instead of the original ask of $13.5M. It is through these relationships that our Grants & Funding Team secures funding for our clients and their future success.

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