Gordon Main Repair at Ledgewood Creek

Gordon Main Repair at Ledgewood Creek included the installation of approximately 200 linear feet of a new 12-inch C200 welded steel waterline to replace a broken water main within the creek banks. BKF provided the engineering services for the installation, including investigation of the different construction alternatives (rehabilitation of an existing pipeline, trenchless installation of a new pipeline, installation of a new pipeline on the bridge, or open cut across the creekbeds). BKF prepared the contract documents (plans and specifications) and costs, assisted with CEQA clearance and permit applications for the preferred alternative, and provided construction observation and administration.

  • Investigation of project alternatives
  • Investigation of construction method alternatives
  • Preparation of contract documents
  • Installation of ~200 linear feet of new 12-inch C200 welded steel water line via open cut outside of bridge limits and hung on the side of the bridge
  • Assistance with CEQA clearance and permit applications
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