Gateway of the Pacific Phase 1

The Gateway of the Pacific project is being developed over several phases to provide approximately 2.2 million total sq. ft. of life science space in South San Francisco. Phase I of the project totals at 509,000 sq. ft., including a 50,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art amenity center with a variety of dining, fitness, and meeting spaces. BKF services include due diligence, entitlement, civil engineering  design, mapping, and surveying.  In support of project approvals, we prepared grading and drainage plans, site development plans, off-site improvement plans, phased demolition and utility plans, Stormwater treatment designs, and a stormwater pollution prevention plan. Our work on the project also includes coordination with the City of South San Francisco, PG&E, and CalWater.

  • 2 dynamic office buildings built on top of a two-level, below-grade parking structure
  • 50,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art amenity center with a variety of dining, fitness, and meeting spaces.
  • Sustainable infrastructure, including a vegetated roof, Stormwater re-use and bio-retention treatment planters
  • LEED Platinum certification – Amenity Building

Image courtesy of Flad Architects

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