Central Marin Ferry Connection

BKF provided civil and surveying services to the Transportation Authority of Marin for the preliminary and final design of the Central Marin Ferry (CMF) Pedestrian Overcrossing (POC)
Project. The project sought to build a new multi-use pathway to “close the gap” between the CalPark Tunnel and the CMF by connecting bicycle and pedestrian facilities through the SMART railroad corridor and spanning over Sir Francis Drake Boulevard at the interchange to US 101. BKF services included:

  • ACEC Structural Systems Honor Award
  • Pedestrian/bike overcrossing
  • Class I multi-use paths
  • Pedestrian/bicycle roundabout
  • ADA improvement evaluations/remediation
  • Utility coordination/relocation
  • Detailed traffic handling plans
  • Right of way engineering
  • Utility coordination and relocations
  • Public outreach and City Council coordination
  • Caltrans project approval
  • Federal funding processing
  • PS&E and construction support services
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