Castro Valley Library

Constructed in 2009, the 38,000 sq. ft. Castro Valley Library was built with state-of-the-art energy efficiency features that incorporate green building principles. Library amenities include resource and reading areas, study areas, and meeting rooms for staff and visitors. The library achieved LEED Gold Certification. BKF’s services on the project included a 140-stall parking lot (approximately 1.5 acres) that was designed for stormwater detention and management, utilizing filtration through slotted curbs, and infiltration through permeable soil and perforated underdrains.

  • Integrated stormwater management into parking lot and landscape design from concept through construction
  • Directed stormwater runoff to landscape areas for filtration and infiltration
  • Provided on-site detention to reduce effects of peak runoff
  • LEED Gold Certification
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