Alameda Point Waterfront Park

The Alameda Point Waterfront Park is a scenic 3-acre public park fronting Alameda’s Seaplane Lagoon and was designed with sea level rise implications in mind. In addition to the pedestrian pathways and cycle accommodations, the park features recreational areas and picnic tables situated above landscaped tiers to account for king tides and future water elevations. BKF provided the civil engineering design services associated with park elements. Specifically, our scope of work included support with adaptive grading design for anticipated sea level rise, utility and drainage design, stormwater treatment features, and connections to new pedestrian and bicycle paths to Alameda’s new ferry terminal.

• 3-acre park
• Cycle track
• Pedestrian walkways/sidewalks
• Picnic tables
• Recreational areas
• Planting areas incorporating stormwater treatment measures

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