Our Sustainability Commitment

BKF’s sustainability commitment is fundamental to our core value of improving our communities and the environment. Our environmentally conscious designs provide creative strategies and practical solutions. Our team continually finds innovative ways to integrate sustainable designs while thoughtfully considering long-term maintenance, site constraints, budgets, and schedules. This pragmatic approach leverages emerging technologies and provides efficient solutions to improve our communities.

In redeveloping brownfields, recycling materials from deconstructed sites, and remediating infrastructure, we help to repurpose resources. By creating new sustainable infrastructure, improving water quality, and restoring natural resources, BKF works to enhance our environment.


  • Stormwater Management and Low Impact Development (LID)
  • Life Cycle Cost & Benefit Analysis
  • Green/Complete Streets
  • Embodied Carbon Reduction
  • Brownfield Development
  • Recycled Water
  • Rainwater Harvesting/Graywater Reuse

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